Path2Knowing Academy LLC
Life Coaches
8 AM to 8 PM Monday thru Friday
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We do not currently have an office environment; however, we utilize numerous venues across the country to host events and trainings.
About Us
Path2Knowing Academy is a corporate training academy that is branching out into the online and family domains. We have multiple course offerings and are creating new modules weekly in response to client requests. We also support our non-profit partner, Fighters for Hope, to focus attention on the plight of our veterans and first responders who face unique mental and long-term challenges due to the extreme stress from their work environment.
Rep/Contact Info

View Personal Bio
Mr. Buddy C Thornton
Buddy has been married 48+ years to his spouse, Sharon. They have 4 children, 7 grandchildren, and 9 great-grandchildren. Buddy is a Vietnam-era veteran (Hospital Corpsman-US Navy 1972-1976). He earned a BS in Allied Health from UW-Milwaukee, certs in Mediation and Paralegal Studies from Lakewood University, Life Coaching certs from UDEMY, and an MA in Human Services from Liberty University. Buddy is currently a DBA Doctoral Candidate at GCU (ABD). "Dr" Buddy is the COO of the Brokenness to Healing Foundation. Buddy is the author of multiple books and articles. Buddy routinely appears on the Impact of Educational Leadership podcast and is currently offering services as a life and parenting coach, is an active conflict mediator, and is an educational trainer with more than 20 current courses to deliver. Buddy was awarded the 2022 Take Center Stage Writer's Journey Education Award.
Mr. Buddy C Thornton
- Phone: (480) 861-1371
- Send an Email
- 28226 N Shundeen Cir San Tan Valley AZ 85143